Measures on Disinfectant Administration issued by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2002
Regulations on Sanitary and Safety Evaluation of Disinfection Products
Regulations on Administrative License of New Disinfection and Aquatic Products
GB 38598-2020 General requirement for label and instruction book of disinfection products
Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)
GB China standard (GBT 26396-2011-Technical specification for the safety of soap and detergent, detergents/cleaners and GB/T 36970-2018 Instruction for use of consumer products-Labeling for detergents)
Product quality law of the People's Republic of China.
Order No. 12 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE Order No. 12) - Measures on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances China REACH (MEP Decree No.7)
China REACH Compliance (MEP Decree No.7)
Global harmonized system
Key data requirements
R&D Report (Efficacy and Other Testing), Quality Standards, Proof of Allowance of Local Sale by Authority, Draft Product Label Artwork, and Safety Datasheet
Safety Information about the product (skin sensitization/ irritation), PH, Biodegradability, phosphate content, stability etc.
Safety Information about the product related Use
New hazard information, Assessment certificates, SDS, physicochemical properties, health toxicology and ecotoxicological properties.